Showing all 10 results

Deaerator for solar stations

O-ring with revolving ring at one side, and G3/4” F on the other side.

Flowmeter for solar systems

Capacity 0-12 l/min, seal with cap and gasket, flat seat on one side and G3/4”F on the other side. Technical datasheet Declaration of Conformity

Kit provided with pressure gauge 0-10 bars and loading/unloading cock

Raccordo completo di manometro 0-10 bar,rubinetto carico/scarico, attacco G1/2 per valvola di sicurezza,attacco G3/4” per tubo vaso espansione. Tenuta con guarnizione sede piana su un lato e G3/4”F sull’altro.

Ball valve for solar systems

Ball valve for solar systems, for primary circuit of delivery/return piping with built-in thermometer and brass check valve. Seal with cap and gasket, flat seat at one side and G3/4”F on the other side.